IIM Bangalore AIMS 10th International Conference from January 6th to 9th of
2013 on “Elevating Performance Management System through Knowledge
Management by K. Venkata Rao and Anjali Rai ISBN 978-81- 924713- 1-0.
IIM Ahmadabad 3rd International Conference on Advanced Data Analysi s,
Business Analytics and Intelligence April 13th to 14th of 2013, “f Customer
Experience Adopting Mobile Banking Servicesin India” by K. Venkata Rao & Anjali
IIM Bangalore 1st international conference on Business Analytics and intelligence
11th -13th Dec 2013“Customer Experience adopting mobile banking services in
india by K.Venkata rao Anjali Rai
IIT Roorkee, International Conference on Research and Sustainable Business”
March 8th -9th , 2014 “ AssessKnowledge Management Practices by Enabling
Taxonomy in Software Firms “ by K.Venkata rao
IMT Ghaziabad Delhi AIMS 11th International Conference from December 21st to
24th of 2013 on “Consumer behavior in Adopting Mobile Banking Services in India
by K. Venkata Rao & Anjali Rai ISBN978-81- 924713-1-0. by K. Venkata Rao and
OfEmotionalIntelligenc (405-
411).pd. ISSN No. 2250-0758
IIM Bangalore 3st international conference on Business Analytics and intelligence
17th -19th Dec 2015 “A Study of Customer buying behavior & E commerce: A
Data mining Approach by K.Venkata rao B. Naveena Devi, Y. Rama Devi C.
Rajeswara Rao,
IIM Bangalore 3st international conference on Business Analytics and intelligence
17th -19th Dec 2015
“Elevating Cross Functional Team for Knowledge Sharing In High Performing Indian
Organization by K.Venkata rao Dr. Anjali RaiElevating Cross Functional team for
Knowledge sharing in high performingIndianorganization
MR_9859_Research_Paper_6_6_June_2016.pdf K.Venkatarao